Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The First Post

I'd like to introduce myself by way of explaining my decision to blog. I have set out to master the task of writing. I'm in my early 40's and have so far managed to pass one communication paper. A task that was stopped from progressing six months ago by the worst pile of dirty laundry you have ever seen and a few relationship setbacks caused by several declined invitations.

The way I see it I may never be more than a mediocre writer. However, despite this, I derive some pleasure from writing as I enjoy exploring different ideas and perspectives. So you can expect me to post on a range of ideas or views; views that I consider are a load of nonsense or that I whole-heartedly support.

Another reason I am blogging is to get more writing practice. As a friend has said to me, 'use it or lose it'.

Occasionally I will give you accounts of trips I have been on. Even if they are not to places one would immediately think worth writing about. I hope to do what M.S. Fogg in Moon Palace did when he described his walks around New York to Thomas Effing; "What do you see? The world enters us through our eyes, but we cannot make sense of it until it descends into our mouths. I began to appreciate how great the distance was, to understand how far a thing must travel in order to get from one place to the other."

Any feedback is welcome. Although don't bother to leave insults unless they are marvelous witty.